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Sample Audit & Analysis



Dining & Hospitality

With 17 locations in Texas, [Restaurant Brand 'M'] is a local seafood restaurant chain with a strong legacy in Houston, but needed to pursue more aggressive and updated marketing efforts.

I wanted to include this external audit and marketing analysis to demonstrate my strategic and analytical skills.

Within this sample marketing report, you can find a brand objective, brand perceptual map, buyer personas, SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), focus points, as well as potential strategy and campaign recommendations.

Third-Party Disclaimer: This analysis and audit were provided as an external assessment and should not be considered an official marketing plan or representative of any existing brand's views or actions. The information presented are based solely on independent research and hypothetical scenarios. Any resemblance to actual brand(s), strategies or practices does not imply affiliation or endorsement. The use of this work without proper compensation or consultation is explicitly prohibited. For accurate and official information, please refer to the respective company's official communications and sources.

(Click here for link to slides.)



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